Reiki is a non-invasive healing modality that influences the body’s energetic system to relax, release stored energy and reach a state of balance.

Breaking down Reiki & the Process

Pronounced “Ray-key” in English, Reiki is commonly referred to as “Universal Life Force Energy”. The “Rei” can be translated to Spiritual Energy, the energy of Pure Light or Universal Energy that’s innate in all living things. The “Ki” refers to the “Vital Life Force Energy” that flows within us, the energy that “powers” your physical, emotional, mental and internal functions/processes.

So Reiki can also be defined as the process of “tuning” our Ki to the Spiritual Energy or Rei that exists all around us with the purpose of Spiritual Growth and Healing. The result is an increase in the vibrational frequency within and around the body, helping to heal injuries, ailments, medical conditions, mental and emotional trauma/abuse, and helping to develop one’s Consciousness to create a better quality of life.

Dont take our word for it. Reiki has healed many seriously ill people all around the world, it's currently surging its way through the top-rated Hospitals in North America such as: Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins and Mayo Clinic just to name a few. As of March 2021 Reiki is being used in over 900 hospitals in North America as “Integrative Medicine”.

Due to its nature Reiki cannot cause any harm, in fact it compliments any type of treatment a person may be undergoing. Here’s a recent study done in February 2022 by The Complementary Medical Association on Reiki’s effectiveness on physical and mental health issues, click here to review it.

Interested in seeing how Reiki can help you?